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What is short DOI? How to get a short DOI from the regular DOI?
✍: FYIcenter.com
Short DOI is a short string that represents a regular DOI string. You can use shortdoi.org Website to look up a short DOI of a given regular DOI.
1. Go to http://shortdoi.org. You see the short DOI lookup form.
2. Enter your regular DOI string like 10.1037/0003-066X.59.1.29. And click "Submit". You see the short DOI string returned in the form of a URL: https://doi.org/aabcd. The actual short DOI is the last part of the URL: aabcd.
3. You can also call the shortdoi.org API to lookup the short DOI with a computer program.
curl http://shortdoi.org/{doi} curl http://shortdoi.org/10.1037/0003-066X.59.1.29 curl http://shortdoi.org/10.1037/0003-066X.59.1.29?format=json { "DOI":"10.1037/0003-066X.59.1.29", "ShortDOI":"10/aabcd", "IsNew":false }
The next question is where can you use the short DOI? If you know the answer, please share it with us as a comment on this page.
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