DOI Registration Agencies


What are DOI Registration Agencies?



DOI Registration Agencies are organizations in different region of the world to provide DOI registration service to publishers.

1. Airiti, Inc. - DOI applications to Traditional Chinese materials.

2. BSI Identify - Creating and managing UPIN identifiers for construction products.

3. China National Knowledge Infrastructure (CNKI) - China-based information resources, including Chinese politics, economics, humanities, social science, science, and technology. CNKI publishes databases containing e-journals, newspapers, dissertations, proceedings, yearbooks, references works, and more.

4. Crossref - Scholarly and professional research content. Journal articles, books, conference proceedings, etc. Reference linking and searchable metadata database.

5. DataCite - DataCite is a global non-profit organization that provides DOIs for research data and all other research outputs. By assigning DataCite DOIs, research outputs become discoverable and associated metadata is made available to the community. DataCite develops additional services to make it easy to connect and share research outputs with the broader research ecosystem and to assess the use of outputs within that ecosystem. All organizations within the research community can join DataCite to start registering DOIs.

6. Entertainment Identifier Registry (EIDR) - A registry of movies, television shows, and other commercial audio/video assets.

7. The Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China (ISTIC) - Development of linking services for Chinese journals, dissertations, books, conference proceedings and other literature resources, and management of scientific data sets, multi-media resources such as audio/video in China. (From January 2007 to November 2011, DOI name registrations were carried out by Wanfang Data, who continue as a sub-licensee of ISTIC).

8. Japan Link Center (JaLC) - Public information services to promote science and technology in Japan. Scientific and academic metadata and content from holders nationwide, including national institutes, universities, Japan Science and Technology Agency, National Institute of Informatics, National Diet Library and National Institute of Material Science, and other government organizations and commercial publishers. Collaboration with Crossref for DOI registration of English language journals in Japan.

9. Korea Institute of Science and Technology Information (KISTI) - Scientific data project to deposit, access and share scientific data in Korea. Korean research content including journal articles, proceedings, official Government documents, Korean patent information, R&D Reports and traditional Korean knowledge.

10. Multilingual European DOI Registration Agency (mEDRA) - Persistent citation system for Internet documents. Relation tracking between intellectual property entities. Certification of voluntary deposit including time stamping and digital signatures.

11. Publications Office of the European Union (OP) - OP is the official publisher of the institutions, bodies, offices and agencies of the European Union. As such, it is responsible for assigning DOI names on behalf of these clients. Coverage includes the identification of all EU monographs, the Official Journal of the EU and its individual acts, as well as a number of scientific articles.


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