Download Research Paper with PaperPanda


How to download research paper with PaperPanda - Chrome Extension?



If you have PaperPanda installed in Chrome, you can follow this steps to down research papers.

1. Open Chrome and search for the research paper on the Internet, for example "How the Mind Hurts and Heals the Body".

2. Open the paper home page at in the search result. You see the paper summary and its DOI.

3. Click the "PaperPanda" icon in the menu. And select "Download this paper". You see the paper content displayed in PDF format.

Note that PaperPanda is actually using Sci-Hub Websites to download the paper of the matching DOI string on the Web page.

Download Research Paper with PaperPanda
Download Research Paper with PaperPanda


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PaperPanda - Chrome Extension

Introduction to Sci-Hub

⇑⇑ DOI - Frequently Asked Questions

2022-10-06, 1861👍, 0💬