Download Scientific Paper with BitTorrent


How to download scientific papers in bulk with BitTorrent?



If you want to download scientific papers in bulk with BitTorrent, you can follow this steps.

2. Open in a Web browser. You see the LibGen Torrents seeds Website.

3. Select "torrent-health-frontend", then open "stats-table.php". You see a list of Torrents for all documents archived by LibGen.

4. Open one seed with "scimag" in the name, like You see a list of seeders for the Torrent.

5. Install and run BitTorrent on your computer to download the document package using the Torrent.

6. Unzip the package you see a list of documents named with their DOI strings in PDF format.

Download Scientific Paper with BitTorrent
Download Scientific Paper with BitTorrent


Download Sci-Hub DOI List

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Introduction to Sci-Hub

⇑⇑ DOI - Frequently Asked Questions

2022-10-06, 2802🔥, 0💬