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Download Scientific Paper with BitTorrent
How to download scientific papers in bulk with BitTorrent?
✍: FYIcenter.com
If you want to download scientific papers in bulk with BitTorrent, you can follow this steps.
2. Open https://phillm.net in a Web browser. You see the LibGen Torrents seeds Website.
3. Select "torrent-health-frontend", then open "stats-table.php". You see a list of Torrents for all documents archived by LibGen.
4. Open one seed with "scimag" in the name, like https://libgen.rs/scimag/repository_torrent/sm_41100000-41199999.torrent. You see a list of seeders for the Torrent.
5. Install and run BitTorrent on your computer to download the document package using the Torrent.
6. Unzip the package you see a list of documents named with their DOI strings in PDF format.
2022-10-06, 2802🔥, 0💬
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