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How to use Search PMC Web interface at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc?
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Search PMC Web interface at ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc, allows you to search for full-text articles in PMC, type the term or concept you are looking for into the search box at the top of any PMC page and click the search button or hit enter.
1. Go to PMC Website.
2. Enter "covid-19" in the search box and click the "Search" icon. You see the full-text search result displayed on the screen.
3. Review the result list and counts. You see the first 20 out of 41787 articles displayed.
4. Review the summary of each article. You see article title, journal name, publishing date, DOI and PMCID.
5. Review hyper links under each article summary. You see "Article", "PubReader", "PDF-*M", and "Cite" options.
6. Click "Article" option to read the full article.
⇒ ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/utils/oa/oa.fcgi - OA Web Service
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2023-01-06, 902👍, 0💬
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