PMC FTP Service - Article Package Download


How to use the Article Package Download service at



The Article Package Download service at allows you to download article metadata, content, media files, supplementary materials in XML format and PDF (if present) in a single package file for Open Access Subset.

Article Package Download files are organized into sub-directories and files as shown below:


As you can see from the above list, the package file of each article is archived as .tar and compressed as .gz. It is located randomly in 2-level sub-directory of xx/xx. You need to download the oa_file_list.csv or oa_file_list.txt file to find out which article is located in which sub-directory.

The "oa_file_list" file contains several fields as shown in the following example:

File - oa_package/08/e0/PMC13900.tar.gz
Article Citation - Breast Cancer Res. 2001 Nov 2; 3(1):55-60
Accession ID - PMC13900
Last Updated - 2019-11-05 11:56:12
PMID - 11250746
License - NO-CC CODE

If you decompress and open the package file of an article, you will see several files. For example:

fyicenter$ gunzip PMC3065034.tar.gz 
fyicenter$ tar -xf PMC3065034.tar
fyicenter$ ls -l PMC3065034
     4725 Apr 26  2017 BCRI2011-164197.001.gif
   110840 Apr 26  2017 BCRI2011-164197.001.jpg
     2497 Apr 26  2017 BCRI2011-164197.002.gif
    53726 Apr 26  2017 BCRI2011-164197.002.jpg
     1782 Apr 26  2017 BCRI2011-164197.003.gif
    42992 Apr 26  2017 BCRI2011-164197.003.jpg
     2070 Apr 26  2017 BCRI2011-164197.004.gif
   114396 Apr 26  2017 BCRI2011-164197.004.jpg
     2273 Apr 26  2017 BCRI2011-164197.005.gif
    50779 Apr 26  2017 BCRI2011-164197.005.jpg
    51227 Apr 26  2017 BCRI2011-164197.nxml
  1274530 Apr 26  2017 BCRI2011-164197.pdf


PMC FTP Service - PDF File Download

PMC FTP Service - Bulk Download

PubMed Central (PMC) DOI Database

⇑⇑ DOI - Frequently Asked Questions

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