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api.datacite.org/prefixes - Query Publishers
How to query Publishers with api.datacite.org/prefixes? If you want to query for Publishers (also called DOI prefixes), you can use the following URL templates: https://api.datacite.org/prefi xes- All publishers https://api.datacite.org/prefi xes/{prefix}- A single publisher For example, the followi...
2022-10-11, 284👍, 0💬

OAI-PMH API - oai.datacite.org/oai
How to use OAI-PMH API, oai.datacite.org/oai, for DOI metadata downloading? OAI-PMH API oai.datacite.org/oai allows you to download DOI metadata in XML. OAI-PMH stands for Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. Query parameters supported by oai.datacite.org/oai are: verb - Requ...
2022-10-11, 252👍, 0💬

crossref.org API - /works/{doi}/transform/{mime}
How to use crossref.org API URL, /works/{doi}/transform/{mime}, for DOI content negotiation? crossref.org API URL /works/{doi}/transform/{mime} allows you to use the DOI Content Negotiation service to request a particular representation of metadata associated with a given DOI. The above API URL is a...
2022-10-08, 511👍, 0💬

XML API - doi.crossref.org/servlet/query?id={doi}
How to use XML API URL, doi.crossref.org/servlet/query ?id={doi},for DOI-to-metadata query? XML API URL doi.crossref.org/servlet/query ?id={doi}allows you to query for metadata of a given DOI and receive output in XML format. This XML API supports the following parameters: pid={email} - Required. Th...
2022-10-08, 475👍, 0💬

crossref.org API - /works/{doi}/transform
How to use crossref.org API URL, /works/{doi}/transform, for DOI content negotiation? crossref.org API URL /works/{doi}/transform allows you to use the DOI Content Negotiation service to request a particular representation of metadata associated with a given DOI. DOI Content Negotiation is done by a...
2022-10-08, 414👍, 0💬

XML API - doi.crossref.org/servlet/query?qdata={xml}
How to use XML API URL, doi.crossref.org/servlet/query ?qdata={xml},for DOI-to-metadata query? XML API URL doi.crossref.org/servlet/query ?qdata={xml}allows you to query for metadata with an XML query. This XML API supports the following parameters: pid={email} - Required. The email address to ident...
2022-10-08, 408👍, 0💬

XML API - doi.crossref.org/search/doi?doi={doi}
How to use XML API URL, doi.crossref.org/search/doi?do i={doi},for DOI-to-metadata query? XML API URL doi.crossref.org/search/doi?do i={doi}allows you to query for metadata of a given DOI and receive output in XML format. This XML API supports the following parameters: pid={email} - Required. The em...
2022-10-08, 367👍, 0💬

crossref.org - DOI Metadata API
What is API for Crossref.org DOI Metadata? API for Crossref.org DOI Metadata is also called Crossref Unified Resource API, which allows anybody to search and retrieve content information associated with DOIs registered in Crossref.org. As of April 9, 2020, Crossref.org database has about 112.5 milli...
2022-10-08, 362👍, 0💬

XML API - www.crossref.org/openurl/?id=doi:{doi}
How to use XML API URL, www.crossref.org/openurl/?id=d oi:{doi},for DOI-to-metadata query? XML API URL www.crossref.org/openurl/?id=d oi:{doi}allows you to query for metadata of a given DOI and receive output in XML format. This is also called OpenURL query. This XML API supports the following param...
2022-10-08, 353👍, 0💬

crossref.org API - /licenses for DOI License Types
How to use crossref.org API resource, /licenses, for DOI license types? crossref.org API resource /types allows you to to list, search or retrieve DOI license types. It supports the following variations and parameters: 1. Get first 20 DOI license types: fyicenter$ curl https://api.crossref.org/licen ...
2022-10-08, 331👍, 0💬

OAI-PMH API - oai.crossref.org/oai
How to use OAI-PMH API, oai.crossref.org/oai, for DOI metadata downloading? OAI-PMH API oai.crossref.org/oai allows you to download DOI metadata in XML. OAI-PMH stands for Open Archives Initiative - Protocol for Metadata Harvesting. Query parameters supported by oai.crossref.org/oai are: verb - Requ...
2022-10-08, 301👍, 0💬

crossref.org API - /types for DOI Types
How to use crossref.org API resource, /types, for DOI types? crossref.org API resource /types allows you to to list, search or retrieve DOI types. It supports the following variations and parameters: 1. Get a list of all DOI types: fyicenter$ curl https://api.crossref.org/types { "message": { "items...
2022-10-08, 279👍, 0💬

crossref.org API - /prefixes for DOI Prefixes
How to use crossref.org API resource, /prefixes, for DOI prefixes? crossref.org API resource /prefixes allows you to to list, search or retrieve DOI prefixes. It supports the following variations and parameters: 1. Get first 20 DOI prefixes: fyicenter$ curl https://api.crossref.org/prefi xes2. Searc...
2022-10-08, 274👍, 0💬

crossref.org API - /journals for Journals
How to use crossref.org API resource, /journals, for journals? crossref.org API resource /journals allows you to to list, search or retrieve journal entries. It supports the following variations and parameters: 1. Get the first 20 journals: fyicenter$ curl https://api.crossref.org/journ als2. Search...
2022-10-08, 271👍, 0💬

crossref.org API - /members for Publishers
How to use crossref.org API resource, /members, for publishers? crossref.org API resource /members allows you to to list, search or retrieve publisher entries. It supports the following variations and parameters: 1. Get the first 20 publishers: fyicenter$ curl https://api.crossref.org/membe rs2. Sea...
2022-10-08, 265👍, 0💬

crossref.org API - /funders for Funders
How to use crossref.org API resource, /funders, for funders? crossref.org API resource /funders allows you to to list, search or retrieve funder entries. It supports the following variations and parameters: 1. Get the first 20 funders: fyicenter$ curl https://api.crossref.org/funde rs2. Search for f...
2022-10-08, 240👍, 0💬

Crossref.org DOI Database
Where to find tutorials on Crossref.org DOI Database. Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on API for Crossref.org DOI Database. What Is Crossref crossref.org - DOI Search crossref.org - DOI Metadata Lookup crossref.org - DOI Metadata A...
2022-10-08, 344👍, 0💬

Download Scientific Paper with Telegram
How to download Scientific paper with Telegram? Sci-Hub has provided a Telegram bot for you to download scientific paper with a given DOI. 1. Install Telegram app on your phone and optionally on your desktop computer. 2. Log in to Telegram with your phone number, which will be used to receive verifi...
2022-10-06, 19609👍, 0💬

Download Sci-Hub DOI List
How to download DOI list from Sci-Hub? Sci-Hub also provides a list of its archived DOIs. You can follow these steps to download it. 1. Down the DOI list in compressed format. File is large, 500810393 bytes. It may take a few minutes. fyicenter$ wget https://sci-hub.se/datasets/do is-2022-02-12.7zfy...
2022-10-06, 3615👍, 0💬

Download Scientific Paper with BitTorrent
How to download scientific papers in bulk with BitTorrent? If you want to download scientific papers in bulk with BitTorrent, you can follow this steps. 2. Open https://phillm.net in a Web browser. You see the LibGen Torrents seeds Website. 3. Select "torrent-health-frontend", then open "stats-table...
2022-10-06, 2415👍, 0💬

Download Research Paper with PaperPanda
How to download research paper with PaperPanda - Chrome Extension? If you have PaperPanda installed in Chrome, you can follow this steps to down research papers. 1. Open Chrome and search for the research paper on the Internet, for example "How the Mind Hurts and Heals the Body". 2. Open the paper h...
2022-10-06, 2022👍, 0💬

PaperPanda - Chrome Extension
What is PaperPanda - Chrome Extension? PaperPanda is a Chrome Extension that helps you download research papers. You’ve probably run into this problem – you want to read a paper, but it’s locked behind a paywall. Maybe you have access to it through your library or university, maybe it’s available t...
2022-10-06, 962👍, 0💬

What Is Sci-Hub
What Is Sci-Hub? Sci-Hub is a tool for providing quick access to articles from scientific journals - such articles are the main medium of communication of scientific knowledge today. Now Sci-Hub has grown a database of 88,343,822 research articles and books - freely accessible for anyone to read and...
2022-10-06, 677👍, 0💬

What Is DOI Content Negotiation
What is DOI Content Negotiation? DOI Content Negotiation is a Web service provided by doi.org that allows you to request a particular representation of metadata associated with a given DOI. DOI Content Negotiation is done by a HTTPS request with an explicit header called "Accept" to specify the MIME...
2022-10-06, 490👍, 0💬

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