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DOI Content in RDF XML Format
How to represent DOI content in RDF XML format? RDF XML is the XML syntax for RDF developed by W3.org. You can use the DOI Content Negotiation service provided by doi.org to represent the content of a given DOI in RDF XML format. The RDF XML format is triggered by the "application/rdf+xml" MIME type...
2022-10-06, 494👍, 0💬

DOI Content in Citeproc JSON Format
How to represent DOI content in Citeproc JSON format? Citeproc JSON is also called as CSL-JSON Schema, which uses JSON to store citation data for the Citation Style Language (CSL). You can use the DOI Content Negotiation service provided by doi.org to represent the content of a given DOI in Citeproc...
2022-10-06, 485👍, 0💬

Introduction to Sci-Hub
Where to find tutorials on Introduction to Sci-Hub. Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Introduction to Sci-Hub. What Is Sci-Hub Download Scientific Paper from Sci-Hub PaperPanda - Chrome Extension Download Research Paper with Paper...
2022-10-06, 475👍, 0💬

DOI Content in Crossref Unixref XML Format
How to represent DOI content in Crossref Unixref XML format? Crossref Unixref XML is an XML schema used by Crossref.org which is a global DOI Registration Agency serving. The Crossref Unixref XML format is triggered by the "application/vnd.crossref.unix ref+xml"MIME type as shown this HTTP request s...
2022-10-06, 457👍, 0💬

DOI Content Negotiation at doi.org
Where to find tutorials on DOI Content Negotiation at doi.org? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on DOI Content Negotiation at doi.org. What Is DOI Content Negotiation DOI Content in Formatted Text Citation DOI Content in BibTeX (Bib...
2022-10-06, 454👍, 0💬

DOI Content in ONIX for DOI Format
How to represent DOI content in ONIX for DOI format? ONIX for DOI is an XML schema used by mEDRA.org which is a DOI Registration Agency in Italy. If you want to register a new DOI with mEDRA.org you need submit your request in ONIX for DOI format. The ONIX for DOI format is triggered by the "applica...
2022-10-06, 451👍, 0💬

DOI Content in DataCite XML Format
How to represent DOI content in DataCite XML format? DataCite XML is an XML schema used by DataCite.org which is a global DOI Registration Agency serving . If you want to register a new DOI with DataCite.org you need submit your request in DataCite XML format. The DataCite XML format is triggered by...
2022-10-06, 425👍, 0💬

DOI Content in Schema.org in JSON-LD Format
How to represent DOI content in Schema.org in JSON-LD format? Schema.org in JSON-LD is the LD (Linked Data) style of JSON format developed by schema.org It contains embedded links to allow applications to follow related data that are hosted on different sites across the Web. You can use the DOI Cont...
2022-10-06, 406👍, 0💬

Download Scientific Paper from Sci-Hub
How to download a paper from Sci-Hub? I know the DOI of the paper. If you know the DOI of a paper, you can download the full document in PDF from Sci-Hub, free of charge. 1. Go to https://sci-hub.se . You see the document search form. 2. Enter the DOI, for example 10.1037/0003-066X.59.1.29, and clic...
2022-10-06, 397👍, 0💬

DOI Content in RIS (Research Information Systems)
How to represent DOI content in RIS (Research Information Systems) format? RIS (Research Information Systems) is a standardized tag format developed by Research Information Systems that allows online library catalogs and citation management applications to exchange citations. You can use the DOI Con...
2022-10-06, 380👍, 0💬

Download Scientific Paper with LibGen
How to download scientif paper with LibGen (Library Genesis)? LibGen (Library Genesis) is a file-sharing based shadow library website for scholarly journal articles, academic and general-interest books, images, comics, audiobooks, and magazines. LibGen (Library Genesis) Websites are changing from ti...
2022-10-06, 377👍, 0💬

DOI Content in BibTeX (Bibliography for LaTeX)
How to represent DOI content in BibTeX (Bibliography for LaTeX) format? If you are still using the LaTeX typesetting system to write your research paper, you may want to represent DOI content in BibTeX format by using the DOI Content Negotiation service provided by doi.org. The BibTeX format is trig...
2022-10-06, 367👍, 0💬

DOI Content in Formatted Text Citation
How to represent DOI content in Formatted Text Citation style? You can use the DOI Content Negotiation service provided by doi.org to represent the content of a given DOI in Formatted Text Citation style. The Formatted Text Citation style is triggered by the "text/x-bibliography" MIME type as shown ...
2022-10-06, 350👍, 0💬

DOI Content in Crossref UNIXSD XML Format
How to represent DOI content in Crossref UNIXSD XML format? Crossref UNIXSD XML is an XML schema used by Crossref.org which is a global DOI Registration Agency serving. The Crossref UNIXSD XML format is triggered by the "application/vnd.crossref.unix sd+xml"MIME type as shown this HTTP request synta...
2022-10-06, 327👍, 0💬

DOI Content in RDF Turtle Format
How to represent DOI content in RDF Turtle format? RDF Turtle is also called Terse RDF Triple Language. It allows RDF graphs to be completely written in a compact and natural text form, with abbreviations for common usage patterns and datatypes. You can use the DOI Content Negotiation service provid...
2022-10-06, 304👍, 0💬

LibKey.io - Access Research Paper Content
What is LibKey.io? LibKey.io is a Website developed by Third Iron that allows you to access full text of research papers. LibKey offers subscription programs to universities and companies to give their staff and students full access of research papers. 1. Go to https://libkey.io/ . You see the resea...
2022-09-28, 588👍, 0💬

Unpaywall API to Search Papers
What is Unpaywall API? Unpaywall API is a Web service provided by OurResearch that allows you access its open database of 33,044,881 free research papers. Technical information on Unpaywall API: URL: https://api.unpaywall.org/v2/{ doi}?email={email}URL: https://api.unpaywall.org/v2/s earch?query={key...
2022-09-28, 550👍, 0💬

oaDOI Document URL Redirect
What is oaDOI document URL redirect or oaDOI Resolver? oaDOI document URL redirect, also called oaDOI Resolver, is a Web service that redirects you to the Website of the OA (Open Access) version of the document for a given DOI. The primary provider of oaDOI document URL redirect service is https://o...
2022-09-28, 524👍, 0💬

Unpaywall Browser Plugin to Access Papers
What is Unpaywall Browser Plugin? Unpaywall Browser Plugin is an extension to Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox that allows you to access full full text of research papers as you browse the Internet. Unpaywall Browser Plugin is published by OurResearch. Here is the plugin description: Get full text ...
2022-09-28, 425👍, 0💬

unpaywall.org - Open Access Papers
What is unpaywall.org? unpaywall.org is a Website run by OurResearch, a nonprofit dedicated to making scholarship more accessible to everyone. It hosts the oaDOI (Open Access DOI) database with millions of free scholarly articles. unpaywall.org offers 3 interfaces for you to access research papers: ...
2022-09-28, 336👍, 0💬

oadoi.org - Open Access DOI Database
What is oadoi.org? oadoi.org is a domain name representing the oaDOI (Open Access DOI) database. oadoi.org is currently being redirect to unpaywall.org run by OurResearch. oaDOI database currently contains 33,049,226 free scholarly articles, collected from over 50,000 publishers and repositories. To...
2022-09-28, 327👍, 0💬

Other DOI Tools and Resources
Where to find tutorials on other DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Tools and Resources? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on other DOI (Digital Object Identifier) Tools and Resources. shortdoi.org - Short DOI Lookup LibKey.io - Access ...
2022-09-28, 416👍, 0💬

OA (Open Access) Lookup by DOI
How to lookup OA information of a given DOI number? If you know the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number of a research paper, you can enter it here, we will search it in the oaDOI (Open Access DOI) data for you. OA (Open Access) information of the paper will be displayed in the result area. FYIcen...
2022-09-26, 1088👍, 0💬

DOI - Frequently Asked Questions
Where to find tutorials on DOI (Digital Object Identifier)? Here is a large collection of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team about DOI (Digital Object Identifier): Introduction to DOI What Is DOI DOI Document URL Redirect DOI Registration Agencies DOI ...
2022-09-24, 1115👍, 0💬

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