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shortdoi.org - Short DOI Lookup
What is short DOI? How to get a short DOI from the regular DOI? Short DOI is a short string that represents a regular DOI string. You can use shortdoi.org Website to look up a short DOI of a given regular DOI. 1. Go to http://shortdoi.org . You see the short DOI lookup form. 2. Enter your regular DO...
2022-09-24, 790👍, 0💬

What Is DOI
What is DOI (Digital Object Identifier)? DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a unique, persistent identifying number for a document published online. It appears on a document or in a bibliographic citation as an alphanumeric string of characters that acts as an active link to the original digital obj...
2022-09-24, 557👍, 0💬

Introduction to DOI
Where to find tutorials on Introduction to DOI (Digital Object Identifier)? Here is a list of tutorials to answer many frequently asked questions compiled by FYIcenter.com team on Introduction to DOI (Digital Object Identifier). What Is DOI DOI Document URL Redirect DOI Registration Agencies   ⇒ Wha...
2022-09-24, 556👍, 0💬

DOI Document URL Redirect
What is DOI document URL redirect or DOI Resolver? DOI document URL redirect, also called DOI Resolver, is a Web service that redirects you to the official Website of the actual document for a given DOI. This Website is usually maintained by the publisher of the document. In many cases, the publishe...
2022-09-24, 479👍, 0💬

DOI Registration Agencies
What are DOI Registration Agencies? DOI Registration Agencies are organizations in different region of the world to provide DOI registration service to publishers. 1. Airiti, Inc. - DOI applications to Traditional Chinese materials. 2. BSI Identify - Creating and managing UPIN identifiers for constr...
2022-09-24, 465👍, 0💬

crossref.org - DOI Search
How to search for a DOI? I know the document title and author, but I don't know the DOI. If you want to search for the DOI of a document with title and author from the crossref.org DOI database, you can use the DOI search tool provided on the crossref.org Website. 1. Go to https://www.crossref.org/g...
2022-09-24, 387👍, 0💬

crossref.org - DOI Metadata Lookup
How to lookup and obtain DOI Metadata? I want to know who is the author of a given DOI. If you have a DOI, and want to know its author and other information about the document, you can use the DOI metadata lookup tool provided by crossref.org: 1. Go to https://www.crossref.org , and click "search me...
2022-09-24, 333👍, 0💬

api.datacite.org/dois/{doi} - Retrieve a Single DOI
How to retrieve a single DOI with api.datacite.org/dois/{doi}? If you want to retrieve the content of a single DOI, you can use the following URL template: https://api.datacite.org/dois/ {doi}Here is an example of retrieving the content of a given DOI: fyicenter$ curl https://api.datacite.org/dois/ 1...
2022-09-24, 323👍, 0💬

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